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Author : Yang, Chan Jun Lu, Jia Hua

Ren Lei Wen Hua Yi Shu Cong Shu
Author : Lu, Jia Qi Wei, Wei Cheng, Lu Feng

Ou Zhou Zhan Chang - Shang Tian Xin Jing Dian Zhan Chang Hua Ce
Author : Shang Tian Xin

Xi Fang Hui Hua Da Shi : Ba Tuo Ni
Author : Kong, Yu

Da , Fen Qi Da Zhuan
Author : Bu Lang Li
Translator : Lin, Zhen Ni

Chao Ge You Hua Yi Shu
Author : Zhao, Ge

Tu Shuo Ju Jiang Jiao De You Hua Ke
Author : Liu, Su Zhen

Zhai Shi Da Shi
Author : Wang HuaZang

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Author : Gao, Zong Ying

Fei Xin You Huo<>
Author : Zhang, Ya Li You Lei

Bai ShiPYou Ji--Ji Nian Qi Bai Shi Dan Chen Yi Bai Si Shi Zhou Nian
Author : Qiu, Rui Min

You Hua
Author : Ge Lei Ge Li Pai Ke

Nian Hua
Author : Wang, Heng Ling

Meng Na Li Sha Wei Xiao Wu Pai Nian
Author : Tang Na De Sa Song

Se Zhi Mei--Zhong Wai You Hua Ming Zuo De Jie Du
Author : Ding, Jian Yuan

Yao Hong Ru Ren Ti You Hua
Author : Yao, Hong Ru


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  Total Number of Records: 16  

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